Where can I find the business hours?
There are no business hours posted. On the contact page of the website, you will find my contact info. We can book an appointment that best suits both our schedules. My hours are very flexible. You can contact me via email, phone call, or text message at any time. I will reply at my earliest convenience.
How do I book an appointment to file my taxes?
On the contact page of the website, you will find my contact info.
You can contact me via email, phone call, or message through the website portal with your preferred time and date on the contact page with all your contact details. I would love to hear from you.
Do you offer any other services apart from income tax services?
Other than what is listed under my services page, there are no other services at this time. My areas of expertise is personal & business taxes, audits, etc. If you are looking for services for mortgage, real estate, life and disability insurance, here is a link to a trusted referral with over 20 years of experience.
When are Trillium benefits paid?
Trillium benefits are paid out on the 10th of each month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, your benefit will be paid on the last working day before the 10th.
How do I contact Canada Revenue Agency?
If you need to reach the Canada Revenue agency, you can call 1-800-959-8281 for any inquiries regarding your taxes or on their website.
How do I know what slips to bring or email when filing my taxes?
You can find a useful free tax checklist on the website under the Resources page.
How is the price of my tax return(s) determined, and will I be provided an estimate beforehand?
At Marlene Tax I know each tax situation is unique. I’ll conduct a quick interview and give a personalized quote based on your tax situation. You’ll know exactly what you’re going to pay before we begin preparing and filing your return. No surprises. Pricing.
I Need A Copy Of My Notice Of Assessment, Where Do I Find It?
Your notice of assessment is mailed to you after you have filed your tax return. If you can’t find it, you can obtain it online through MY ACCOUNT at CRA, or by calling Canada Revenue Agency at 1 800 959-8281
I have not filed in many years, how far back can I file my tax returns?
You can go as far back as 10 years to file your tax returns. Contact me and I would be more than happy to get you started with the process.
I have moved since filing my tax return last year, do I need to update my information with CRA?
You can either wait to update it when you file the current year’s taxes, or you can update your information with CRA.
When Are The Tax Deadlines?
The return is due April 30, 2024, and payment is due April 30, 2024.
For most people, the return is due April 30, 2024, and payment is due April 30, 2024
For a self-employed person and their spouse or common-law partner (other than those stated above), the return is due June 15, 2024, and payment is due April 30, 2024
- For a deceased person and their surviving spouse or common-law partner, see Guide T4011, Preparing Returns for Deceased Persons
Do I Have To File A Tax Return If I Have No Income?
What Should I Do If I Owe Taxes And I Cannot Pay Right Away?
When you have a balance owing and cannot pay right away, please contact CRA to make payment arrangements or instalments. For more information, please visit this link.
What Is The Interest And Penalty For Missing The Tax Deadline?
Please see this link for this information.
I Haven't Received All My Tax Slips And Not Sure If I Have Them All. What Should I Do?
If you haven’t received all your slips yet, there are several ways you can obtain them.
- Call or visit my office (and with your authorization) we can get your information from Canada Revenue Agency.
- You can call Canada Revenue Agency directly at 1800 959-8281
- You can obtain online at CRA.
What is the difference between NETFILE and EFILE?
EFILE is a service by CRA for professional EFilers. The Efiler must register with CRA and get an agent number. The Efiler can update the address and banking information for their clients and can batch process tax returns. NETFILE is a service by CRA for individuals to file their personal tax returns over the internet. The individual must have a Web Access Code (WAC) to netfile their tax return using CRA certified software